Q Is it true that I have to wait till my child is 8 years old to have him /her tested for dyslexia, dyspraxia or Auditory Processing problems?
A No. I can test for this as young as 4 years of age. I am also teaching other specialists. If you want to he trained please do contact me.

Q Where do I go to get my kid tested?
A We do skype assessments so can test your kid where ever you are. There are other test centers around the world. If you have been recommended somewhere by a friend or colleague then try them.

Q Is it really worth getting my child assessed, what if s/he is just lazy or dumb?
A I have been assessing dyslexics and dyspraxics for over 35 years. I have assessed thousand upon thousand. In all that time I have only ever been brought 1 kid who turned out to have global learning problems, and none who were just lazy. If you, as a parent, suspect your child is dyslexic or dyspraxic trust your instincts on this.

Q What is the best age to have my child assessed?
A As young as possible.

Q Do tinted lenses help dyslexics?
A Many dyslexics find reading easier if the text is viewed through a colored tint. So do many dyspraxic and Autistic people, but you need to know which color is best for you. I find colored overlays or reading rulers better than glasses.

Q Is Irlen syndrome a form of dyslexia?
A Most dyslexics have this but there is much more to dyslexia than this.

Q Is Auditory Processing Disorder or Difficulty anything to do with dyslexia?
A Most dyslexics have this and it is one aspect of dyslexia. Also many Dyspraxics, ADHD, and epileptics have a form of this.

Q How can I help overcome Auditory Processing Disorder?
A I recommend my app “Friendly phonics” and those currently being made, and the new course Dead Easy Phonics – found on the side menu bar of the home page both of which in trials has proven to help listening and speech.

Q Can you tell me what dysgraphia is and how can it be helped?
A Dysgraphia is Greek for "having problems with writing". Therefore any person with writing difficulties could be described as Dysgraphic. However to help that person you have to know why s/he is having the problems. It could be due to a number of things, including dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorder or epilepsy. It is important to know the exact nature of the cause because then you can address the cure. This is why we do detailed assessments.

Q Can you tell me what Dyscalculia is and how can it be helped?
A Dyscalculia is Greek for "having problems with maths". Anyone having maths problems can be said to have this. Again it is important to know why the person is having problems with maths. It could be a wide range of things, from not being able to read the questions to dyspraxia, ADHD, ADD, epilepsy, auditory processing problems or poor binocular vision etc.. You need to know this to help it. This is why I do detailed assessments.

Q What is meant by multi-sensory learning?
A I talk about this in more detail in my books on dyslexia.
You have to use as many senses as possible. When learning letter sounds, the kid has to see the shape of the letter, feel the shape of the letter by writing it, hearing the letter sound, not the name, and saying the letter sound all at the same time. This is what my course "Dead Easy Phonics" does. It has audio files repeating each letter, blend and digraph sound.

Q My child is very behind at school. Is it a good idea to keep him back a year?
A If your child is behind and is bright, then s/he is not learning because s/he is not being taught the right way for him/her. Doing another year of the same teaching will not help, because s/he failed to learn from the first year, then s/he will just fail again if the teaching remains the same.
If the teaching has been adjusted to be tailor made for your child, and you are sure that your child is learning from the new approach then keeping your kid back a year gives him/her more time to catch up.

Q If I get my child assessed as dyslexic or dyspraxic will she get extra help at school or a teachers aid?
A Dyslexia and dyspraxia are recognized in NSW Australia as a learning disability and your child will get extra funding if you live there. It is also recognized in the UK and many other countries. However it is not recognized in the rest of Australia for funding purposes. But getting extra funding or help is useless if your child’s teacher does not understand what dyslexia is as then s/he will not know the wisest way to spend the extra funding. That is why you need your child’s assessment to be solution based.

Q There are so many courses out there for these students. How do I know which ones to trust?
A I only trust those written by a true, experienced professional who knows first hand the frustrations of experiencing these problems. That is why I have spent so much of my time writing books and courses. Also if you cannot understand the course, book or language then do not use it. My materials are all written in very plain English.
If you cannot see a dramatic improvement in a few months then stop using the materials or books. Testing should be done independently. I have learnt not to trust any course that is self-tested. The improvement should be noticed in ordinary every day schoolwork and in the student’s confidence. I collect examples of reading and writing, often using a video, and use these to ascertain the improvement brought about by a new course of learning material. If the difference in negligible after a few months then it doing your child or student harm as s/he is spending more time than other kids and still not getting anywhere. How dumb would this make you feel?
It is worth finding out as much as possible about your child’s/student’s learning difference because that way you can help him/her best. Parents tell me that my books are very helpful because, when reading them, if their child has the learning difference, then it is like reading purely about their own child – like looking into a mirror. If this happens to you then you can be pretty sure the contents of the book and teaching etc. methods within it will help your child.