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My pet monster worksheets

My Pet Monster Worksheets


ISBN 978-0-9758438-8-8

AU$ 8.00


This game is included in Dead Easy Phonics, do not buy this is you have already bought Dead Easy Phonics.


Reading comprehension worksheets with a difference.


Most of the comprehension sheets I have seen simple provide the kid with a text, any text no matter how uninterested the kid is in the subject, and then asks questions about the text.

The questions usually relate to specifics in the text. They ask about names, dates places actions. But what is important is that kids can read text and get from it specific information and at the same time see the “whole picture”.



Fun to read


And you should always be teaching you kid to read for pleasure. In other words the text should be fun and enjoyable.



Written answers?


Rarely in the outside, big, wide, grownup world do adults have to read random text and answer questions on it! But if you want your kid to go and study s/he does have to learn how to extract facts form text. I do a lot of this. I read scientific texts to get facts for my books. I do not want to extract every fact, just the ones that I am looking for. And I have taught myself how to do this.


These sheets, therefore tell a story and ask the kid only to extract certain information from the story. Each sheets asks that the child draws or tells only what the monster looks like. So your kids get used to highlighting the key words they are looking for.

Dyslexic kids then can draw, or make the monster while kids with fins motor problems can merely talk about what it looks like.



Here are two examples. The teachers notes underline the words and phrases pertaining to the look of the monster.















Ever since I can remember I’ve been scared of the dark, empty space under the bed. When I was little I thought that whatever it was that lived there would grab me by the ankles, if I got out of bed at night, and drag me into its lair.


So I kept a special monster under the bed to protect me. I chose one that loved dark, dusty places so that it would stay there for ever. Now at night when I get out of bed I lean down and stare into its bright green glowing eyes and stroke its soft blue fur and it always starts singing to me.


To make sure it’s happy I spend my pocket money on apples and pears for it to eat and sometimes chocolate.


If ever I get scared at night now I crawl in with it and we sleep together under the bed. It’s really quite a small monster and not at all ugly, it’s even got tiny teeth and a lovely button nose. The only odd thing about it is the two long, blue feathery tails that it spends most of the day grooming.



Draw or tell about my pet monster.



















 My Dad was playing his pet monster again today. This monster is so noisy that I have to go to the very end of the back yard and shut all the doors. And the noise it makes is not exactly a sound, or even a noise, it is just agony.


And it’s such a weird looking thing. I mean its blue and black and red and covered with squares. Its got five long wooden legs, one of which my dad puts into his mouth! He holds another in his hand, so that the monster does not run off I suppose. He must be hurting it like mad - you should hear it shrieking.


I always feel really sorry for it and when dad’s finished he puts it back into its box and you can see the monster sagging and dying. But my father says he has to keep practising or he will never be good so he keeps bringing it back to life by blowing air into it, like they do on one of those medical programs when someone drowns.


He calls his monster by the oddest name. He calls it, “my wee bagpipes.”


Draw or tell about my dad with his pet monster.


Remember to use tinted overlays if the students finds this easier. These can be bought from but each student needs to be individually tested to see which colour is best for them


The questions usually relate to specifics in the text. They ask about names, dates places actions. But what is important is that kids can read text and get from it specific information and at the same time see the “whole picture”.



Fun to read


And you should always be teaching you kid to read for pleasure. In other words the text should be fun and enjoyable.



Written answers?


Rarely in the outside, big, wide, grownup world do adults have to read random text and answer questions on it! But if you want your kid to go and study s/he does have to learn how to extract facts form text. I do a lot of this. I read scientific texts to get facts for my books. I do not want to extract every fact, just the ones that I am looking for. And I have taught myself how to do this.


These sheets, therefore tell a story and ask the kid only to extract certain information from the story. Each sheets asks that the child draws or tells only what the monster looks like. So your kids get used to highlighting the key words they are looking for.

Dyslexic kids then can draw, or make the monster while kids with fins motor problems can merely talk about what it looks like.



My Pet Monster Worksheets


ISBN 978-0-9758438-8-8

AU$ 8.00

Please email with the book title and ISBN to purchase a copy.

© 2017 by Dawn Matthews Family Trust.

Website by Dapper Apps

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