ADD Drug free cures downloadable
Downloadable Book
ISBN 978-0-9807663-1-8
AU$ 20.00
Are you really sure that your kid should be on Ritalin or Concerta? If you have doubts then please read this book. It’s far cheaper that keeping your kid on these drugs and has far fewer
ADHD drug-free "cures"
Downloadable Book
ISBN 978-0-9807663-1-8
AU$ 20.00
Are you really sure that your kid should be on Ritalin or Concerta? If you have doubts then please read this book. It’s far cheaper that keeping your kid on these drugs and has far fewer side effects!
ADHD in children
I spent most of my life in the UK, studied there, learnt how to teach kids and adults with learning differences there, and I still follow the British Dyslexia Association and the Helen Arkel Centre in my methods. Very few people are diagnosed with ADHD there.
ADHD did exist there then. Kids who truly have it need the drugs but many just need to be taught in a way that is correct for them.
However, I see, in Australia, so many kids who have been misdiagnosed as having ADHD and who have been on class A drugs needlessly for years. I therefore wrote this in an attempt to bring some sanity into the discussion.
Amphetamine drugs mostly only work for a short time.
The massive increase of these drugs was triggered by the findings of a Trial involving [1]436 Kids labeled with ADHD, which began more than 15 years ago. After a few months it was determined that the kids had improved in concentration and schoolwork when on amphetamine drugs.
However in March 2009 follow up data to the original study was published. After the children have been on the drug for 8 years, Dr Pelham, a pivotal scientist in this study, has concluded that,
“no differences in behavior between children receiving medication (since 1999) and those who weren’t.”[2] however I have noticed that if your child has true ADHD then they do need the drugs forever, Just as I will always need my Epilepsy medication. Interestingly it is now being dis