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Dyslexia - a Guide for Teachers


Dyslexia - a guide for teachers
ISBN – 0-9758438-0-X
Downloadable eBook AU$ 8.00

This educational book is included in Dead Easy Phonics, do not buy this is you have already bought Dead Easy Phonics.

A must for all teachers. The introduction to teaching and understanding dyslexic kids in your class, and believe me their will be a dyslexia kid in your class. The international Dyslexic Association is now saying that 20% of the school populations is dyslexic so its extremely unlikely that you have a class with no dyslexic in it.

If you cannot identify the dyslexic in your class then please buy this small book and find out how to.

A book that tells you what dyslexia actually is, why it’s like it is and helps you develop strategies to best help both the dyslexics in your class and yourself. The better you are able to cater for these kids the easier your teaching will be.

With check lists and help in screening for dyslexia.

This book contains information on:
Short term auditory memory
Short term visual memory
Multi sensory teaching
Help for the classroom
Presenting worksheets
Help with maths
Spelling rules
Styles of learning
Assessment for learning
Auditory processing
Learning games
English learning
Learning disability
Literacy activities
Teaching literacy
Language and literacy
Reading comprehension
Reading strategies
Reading worksheets
Learn to read
Classroom activities
Activities for the classroom
Learning differences
Learn English

© 2017 by Dawn Matthews Family Trust.

Website by Dapper Apps

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