Ways to remember verbs and nouns

Tricks for remembering verbs, nouns, etc.
I so remember getting in a state at school, for years, because I kept forgetting what a verb, noun or an adverb was. So I had to write this and I’ve been trying for weeks to think of verses etc. to aid in this…
Language was not invented with nouns and verbs in mind. Cave men did not sit down and think,
“okay guys let’s invent nouns and later, we’ll come up with some verbs….”
No. Language evolved. Clever people who wanted to communicate gradually gave names to things, actions, each other, and to describe things. This evolved into the many languages we have today and eventually into writing. Then one day….
….Some intellectual person broke this language down into verbs, nouns etc and now every child in the English speaking world has to remember which is which. Okay so all you none dyslexics probably have very little problem with this but, for dyslexics like myself, its yet another chance to fail at school!
So. Why?
I am afraid this is another case of “those who can do” doing, and “those who cannot do” analysing the work of “those who can do”!!!
Here is another example of this.
Hundreds of academics have spent thousands of hours analysing the music of Sir Paul McCartney. Some of them have sent their thesis papers to him. I saw him talk about this once to Michael Parkinson…. He thought the whole thing was amusing, saying…..I have no idea what they are talking about… I can’t write music… I just work it out as I go along.
Sir Paul McCartney is a definite example of someone who can do. The hundreds of academics who analyse his music can’t do so, so instead write papers on what he has done. How many people have listened to Paul’s songs? And how many have read the papers?
It seems to me…
… that in general our kids are being given too many examples of work by “those who cannot”. Instead they should be enjoying the things “those who can” have come up with rather than having to analyse them to death!
So, even though there’s absolutely no point in knowing this stuff I’ve eventually come up with a verse to help you remember….
I heard a verb shouting and saw him running up the curb.
I found a agile noun and he became my pet hound.
Adverbs mostly add to a verb so a shout becomes a loud shout and is more easily heard.
Adjectives should call themselves adnouns because they add to nouns and you get a round hound.
Nouns are things but all verbs do things .....
in my typing game, which can be bought for pittance from this site, I teach how to help students use adverbs and adjectives to improve their work.
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